Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (6)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (7)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (8)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (9)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (10)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Venema Contra Postmillennialism (11)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How . . . Continue reading →

A Response to Brent E. Parker and Richard J. Lucas (eds.), Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture (Part 1)

At my ordination, I took a vow that I hold the Westminster Standards “as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures,” expressing that these documents summarize the shape of biblical truth most accurately. This “system” of doctrine connects various . . . Continue reading →

Heidelminicast: Strimple Critiques Theonomy (2)


These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →