Our sense of distance in the late-modern, ultra-high-tech world has changed dramatically. It was not that long ago that a long-distance telephone call was a major event. The pastor with whom I served, Norman Hoeflinger, served a congregation in a town where . . . Continue reading →
Fear And Loathing At Pentecost
It hardly bears saying but the 9 days have been a truly sad, frustrating week for all Americans who hope to see a measure of peace and mutual understanding. A Minneapolis police officer, whose actions have been universally denounced by other police . . . Continue reading →
Review of Richard B. Gaffin Jr. In the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul
Dr. Richard Gaffin, professor emeritus of biblical and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), is famous for his emphasis on redemptive history and the historia salutis, or the factors concerning Christ’s once-for-all accomplishment of redemption. Claiming the legacy of Geerhardus Vos . . . Continue reading →
Are Our Revivals Like Pentecost? (Part 1)
The revival that broke out in the chapel of Asbury University on February 8, 2023 is spreading. Campus Reform, a publication devoted to reporting on the state of civil liberties on American college campuses, reports that there are “seven student-led revivals across . . . Continue reading →