Usher: The Covenant Of Works Is The Sum Of The Law

How hath the Moral Law been delivered since the Fall? The Sum thereof was comprised in ten Words, (Exod. 34:28; Deut. 4:13.) commonly called the Decalogue or Ten Commandments; solemnly published and engraved in Table of Stone by God himself, (Deut. 4:14 . . . Continue reading →

Sibbes: Leviticus 18:5 Is A Covenant Of Works

Quest. Now, whence comes this rootedness and firm stability of God’s children? Ans. Especially from this, that they are now in the covenant of grace, rooted in Christ, who is God-man, in whom they are firmly rooted. In Adam we had a . . . Continue reading →

With The Pactum Podcast On “Do This And Live”

Pat Abendroth is a friend and pastor of Omaha Bible Church and the host of The Pactum Podcast. Pactum is a Latin noun for covenant. You might see or hear it used, e.g., to refer to the pactum salutis, the covenant of redemption between . . . Continue reading →