The Law-Giving Of The Covenant; Its Twofold χεσις In the covenant that God made with the people of Israel from Mount Sinai, God stipulated the law from the people, first immediately in the ten words promulgated (Ex. 20:1–8), then mediately, from the . . . Continue reading →
Heidegger And Turretin Contra Amyraut
Canon IV: Before the creation of the world, God decreed in Christ Jesus our Lord according to his eternal purpose (Eph 3:11), in which, from the mere good pleasure of his own will, without any prevision of the merit of works or . . . Continue reading →
Heidegger And Turretin: Adam’s Covenant Of Works Fulfilled By Christ
Canon VII: As all his works were known unto God from eternity, (Acts 15:18), so in time, according to his infinite power, wisdom, and goodness, he made man, the glory and end of his works, in his own image, and, therefore, upright, . . . Continue reading →