The conversation also reminded me of one of the supreme ironies of the contemporary politics of homosexuality. A movement originally built upon the idea of transgression, the breaking of taboos and the crossing of boundaries has become one of the most intolerant . . . Continue reading →
The Idolatry Of Going Along To Get Along
(HT: Stella Morabito)
The Power Of The Group To Extract Conformity
But the face of Big Brother seemed to persist for several seconds on the screen, as though the impact that it had made on everyone’s eyeballs was too vivid to wear off immediately. The little sandyhaired woman had flung herself forward over . . . Continue reading →
Conventional Wisdom, Science, Frogs, And The Mob
I first became aware of the story of the frog in the kettle when I read George Barna’s 1990 book, The Frog in the Kettle: What the Christian Community Needs to Know About Life in the Year 2000 (Ventura, CA.: Regal Books, . . . Continue reading →
The Dynamics Of Conformity Lead To Death
Everybody needs to learn about the dynamics of conformity. Blatant censorship, hostility to free speech, and campaigns to demonize mainstream American views were all unthinkable scenarios for most Americans just a few years ago. But here we are. When we start self-censoring . . . Continue reading →