The conversation also reminded me of one of the supreme ironies of the contemporary politics of homosexuality. A movement originally built upon the idea of transgression, the breaking of taboos and the crossing of boundaries has become one of the most intolerant . . . Continue reading →
classical liberalism
Trading Liberty for Security: Margaret Thatcher on Freedom
As Rush Limbaugh said a while back, in certain ways, Margaret Thatcher was an American. She understood what the founders understood. The understood the view of liberty (as freedom from constraint in civil life) held forth in the founding documents. It’s fascinating . . . Continue reading →
Why Everything Seems Upside Down
Classical Liberalism Now Looks Conservative
Silber was often labeled “conservative.” In fact, and as he always insisted, he was a liberal of the old school. He believed in advancement according to merit, not quotas; colorblind justice; the disinterested pursuit of truth; and open debate, not ideological conformity. . . . Continue reading →
Whose Moral Panic, Which Censorious Moralism?
If the 1950s gave us Communists under every bed, 2020 has given us fascists in every boardroom. The cultural Left cannot abide so much as sharing the same 3.8 million square miles with “those people,” let alone the same workplace, or even . . . Continue reading →
Roman And Protestant Integralists Together
Or Why An Established Religion Is A Really Bad Idea
Integralism and Protestant theocracy are twin movements of which our readers should be aware. The first is a Romanist movement. The second is a movement among a small but visible band Protestants who seek a similar outcome. Roman Integralism Romanist “integralists” like . . . Continue reading →