I believe that people who reject infant baptism, for example,—I think they’re wrong—but I believe they’re zealous about it because they want to practice the sacraments the way they believe God intended them to be practiced. And they believe it would be . . . Continue reading →
Luther Challenges The (Ana)Baptist Interpretation Of Mark 16:16
In the third place, it is said, as I also have read, that they base their faith on this verse, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved” [Mark 16:16]. This they interpret to mean that no man should be baptized . . . Continue reading →
On Being Reformed Discounted 50% Now Until December 31
That should bring the price of the hardcopy to about $35.o0 and the e-book to about $27.50, which is approaching a reasonable price. Continue reading
The Canons Of Dork #2 For September 3, 2022
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