About Ryan Biese

Ryan Biese is married to Ann, and they have three children: Dabney, Thornwell, and Charlotte. He is pastor of First Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fort Oglethorpe, GA and hosts The Westminster Standard Podcast. He is a graduate of Grove City College and Reformed Theological Seminary.

The Second Commandment Is God’s Word

In recent decades, there has been a renewed appreciation for and embrace of a “Calvinistic” (i.e. Biblical) soteriology in which God is recognized as sovereign in all the affairs of men and even in salvation. Dr. T. David Gordon suggests this phenomenon . . . Continue reading →

Confessionalism Is Beautiful Too

My purpose is, however, to highlight how men on the more confessional or “traditionalist” end of the PCA spectrum have done a poor job using language to communicate the beauty, loveliness, and grandeur of simple, ordinary, plain, vanilla, Old School, Reformed, Westminster, . . . Continue reading →