The Sturdy Legs Of Worship

Why will unscriptural, man-centered, culturally conditioned, over-contextualized worship undermine confessional orthodoxy? Because worship by its very form (which ought to be according to spirit—uppercase and lowercase— and truth) communicates certain things about the nature of God and man, thus theology proper and anthropology can’t help but be warped by unbiblical worship. Theology proper and biblical anthropology are the foundations of soteriology, which will also be warped by unbiblical (e.g., revivalist or sacerdotal) worship.

Why will unscriptural, man-centered, culturally conditioned, over-contextualized worship undermine biblical, Presbyterian church government? Because free-form, optional, variable worship forms suggest free-form, optional, variable ecclesial forms…or little form at all. And when worship is no longer led by ordained elders, government by ordained elders seems less plausible. Presbyterian order is not hierarchical, but neither is it excessively horizontal. Rolling it out too thin leads to its disintegration.

The regulative principle of worship suggests and bolsters a regulative principle of everything for the church. Doctrine, order, and doxology are a three-legged stool. When present and sturdy, these legs will bear great weight; when any are missing or compromised, collapse is imminent. Read More»

Brad Isbell | “Worship Is More Important Than We Think It Is: A regulative principle of worship suggests a regulative principle of everything for the church” | August 30, 2022



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    The Heidelblog has been in publication since 2007. It is devoted to recovering the Reformed confession and to helping others discover Reformed theology, piety, and practice.

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One comment

  1. Thanks for posting this, this is truly important stuff indeed. Just got through emailing Mr. Isbell about the ongoing meetings I’m having with my TE about this very subject. Not an easy endeavor, I can tell you that.
    In my view, if the PCA loses it’s way on the RPW, then it’s fairly certain the culture will have it’s way with it.
    Ps. 11:3

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