Years ago I remember hearing an elder say that if my sermon could be accepted in a Jewish synagogue then it is not a distinctively Christian sermon. I’ve thought a lot about that over the years. What makes Christian sermons distinctively Christian? What damage could be done in the life of the Christian church if our sermons lose their distinctively Christian character? To answer that, of course, one would need to understand and appreciate what makes a gospel message distinctively “gospel”.
To be sure, the word “gospel” is used differently in the Scriptures. Robert Godfrey provides a helpful observation: read more»
Chris Gordon | “What Is The Gospel” | AGR | August 13, 2021
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Ray Dillard quotes Ed Clowney as saying this.
-from the 3:30 mark and on
Yes but Ed heard it from R B.
Ed Clowney repeated this statement often in our homiletics classes. It is a good test of a sermon.