The Protestant Reformation was one of the most important theological, social, religious, and political episodes in Western history. It is reasonable to divide all Western history in two: before the Reformation and after. Nevertheless, in our time, the Reformation is not well understood even by those who profess to be its heirs. Its basic theological and religious breakthroughs have been largely forgotten or are unknown to most American evangelicals. The Protestant mainline is mostly ashamed of the Reformation and not a few in the world think that that the essential issues between Rome and the Protestants were resolved at Vatican II or in subsequent ecumenical discussions (e.g., with the Lutheran World Federation or in Evangelicals and Catholics Together).
2017 was the 500th anniversary the beginning of the Reformation and in season 8 of Office Hours we focused on that anniversary by spending time thinking about what the Reformation was, why it still matters, and what it can do for the church today. This series features discussions with W. Robert Godfrey, John Fesko, Julius Kim, and by yours truly. Here’s the whole series:
- Introduction to the Reformation (1): Background with R. Scott Clark
- Reformation Introduction (2): Definitions with R. Scott Clark
- How Martin Luther Became a Protestant with R. Scott Clark
- On Martin Luther (1) with W. Robert Godfrey
- On Martin Luther (2) with W. Robert Godfrey
- What’s In A Word? Sola Gratia with John Fesko
- What’s In A Word? Sola Fide with Julius Kim
- What’s In A Word? Sola Scriptura with W. Robert Godfrey
- What Happened to the Reformation? (1) with R. Scott Clark
- What happened to the Reformation? (2) with R. Scott Clark
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Thanks for listening!
Dr Clark,
Thank you for collecting Office Hours Resources on the Reformation.
I am forwarding the link to my friends at Cornerstone.