Heidelberg 56: In The Church: The Forgiveness Of Sins

There are few things more difficult than forgiving when one has been wronged. First, when a wrong has been done, quite apart from its effect for us (and its affect in us), justice itself has been violated. Second, to be wronged is . . . Continue reading →

On Profession Of Faith And Communion

James writes to ask about when children should make profession of faith and receive communion. He has observed young children being admitted to the table and wonders whether that is proper, whether children are really professing faith or merely parroting what they . . . Continue reading →

Heidelberg 55: We Confess The Communion Of The Saints

In Heidelberg Catechism 55 we say: 55. What do you understand by the “communion of saints”? First, that believers, one and all, as members of the Lord Jesus Christ, are partakers with Him in all His treasures and gifts; secondly, that each one must feel . . . Continue reading →

Big Fat Nanny State

Okay, we’re living in a big fat nanny state. That’s a euphemism, though. The reality is that central planners have always viewed a child’s first teachers of self-reliance—mothers and fathers—as enemies of the State. The less people learn about basic life skills . . . Continue reading →

God Is Truth And Speaks Only Truth

1. God, who is Himself Truth and speaks truth only, has inspired Holy Scripture in order thereby to reveal Himself to lost mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator and Lord, Redeemer and Judge. Holy Scripture is God’s witness to Himself. 2. Holy . . . Continue reading →

Office Hours: The Wisdom of Samson

Office Hours

You may know Bob Godfrey as a mild-mannered seminary president and author of several books (and a recent video series on church history) but most Lord’s Days he transforms himself into the teacher of the Adult Sunday School class at the Escondido United Reformed . . . Continue reading →

Each One Has A Psalm

What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a psalm (ψαλμὸν), an instructiion (διδαχὴν), a revelation (ἀποκάλυψιν), a foreign language (γλῶσσαν), or an interpretation (ἑρμηνείαν). Let all things be done for building up….. —1 Corinthians 14:26

Sola Scriptura ≠ Nuda Scriptura

Evangelical Christians in North America sometimes misunderstand the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura to mean that the Bible is the Christian’s only theological resource, that it can and should be denuded of its churchly context (hence nuda Scriptura). Such an understanding is . . . Continue reading →