Resources On Women In The Church

The questions around the role of females in the church has become heated in the wake of the third-wave feminism but it is not a new question. It is one that the church has been facing since the days of the apostles. The Apostle Paul himself had to address it. We should follow his lead, of course. He sought to balance two categories: nature and grace. For Paul males and females have both a creational (nature) relationship and a re-creational (grace) relationship. Much of the modern discussion has omitted one or the other. Some third-wave feminist scholars seek to obliterate any creational distinction between the sexes. The Apostle Paul did not do this. Others, in reaction to third-wave feminism have sought to re-assert creational categories without reference to the progress of redemptive history. This group speaks and writes almost as if the movement of redemptive history from typology to fulfillment has made no difference whatever in the way men and women relate to one another in the church. This is the equal and opposite error to third-wave feminism. Late-modern feminism, inasmuch as it is a sub-species of radical egalitarianism also seeks to wipe out any sort of order and it seeks to deny the authority of the Pauline instructions on the nature and life of the church. All these errors are avoidable.

  1. S. M. Baugh | On The Role Of Women In The Church
  2. S. M. Baugh | Sobre el papel de la mujer en la Iglesia.
  3. S. M. Baugh, “The Apostle Among the Amazons,” Westminster Theological Journal 56 (1994): 153–71
  4. Steve Baugh | Women in the Church
  5. Hohn Cho | On The Complementarian Responsibility to Women in the Church
  6. R. Scott Clark | Why Complementarianism Can’t Be a “Gospel” Issue
  7. Hohn Cho | On The Importance Of Reputation
  8. R. Scott Clark | She Is Not A Pastor
  9. R. Scott Clark | On Ontology And Male-Female Relations
  10. R. Scott Clark | Are There Limits to Male Headship?
  11. R. Scott Clark | Heidelcast: On Male Headship
  12. Barry York | What Submission is Not
  13. Anonymous | How The PCA GA Action On The Role Of Women In The Church Appears To One Woman
  14. R. Scott Clark | Two Dark Sides Of The Sexual Revolution (UPDATED)
  15. Camille Paglia | A Peevish, Grudging Rancor Against Men
  16. Podcast | Has God Really Said? Discussing Female Pastors With Janet Mefferd
  17. Steve Baugh | The Apostle Paul Was Not A Patriachalist
  18. R. Scott Clark | Sunday School, The Role Of Women, Authority, And Culture
  19. R. Scott Clark | Is 1 Timothy 2 Still God’s Word?
  20. Nathan Eshelman | The Value and Labor of Women in the Church
  21. Carl Trueman | Beyond Fundamentalism and Feminism
  22. R. Scott Clark | “Gender Apartheid” And “Toxic Masculinity” In NAPARC?
  23. R. Scott Clark | Heidelberg 104: Authority And Submission
  24. R. Scott Clark | Of Razors, Corporate Responsibility, Virtue Signaling, And “Toxic Masculinity”
  25. R. Scott Clark | Roseanne, Gender Bending, And The War Against Nature
  26. R. Scott Clark | On Disciplining Abusers And Protecting The Sheep
  27. R. Scott Clark | She Is Not A Pastor
  28. Resources On The Nature/Grace And Sacred/Secular Distinctions
  29. Chris Gordon, The Domino Theory and Egalitarian Pulpits
  30. Le Ann Trees | Nine Ways To Encourage Women In The Church
  31. Le Ann Trees | What Is The Bible Saying Regarding Women Being Silent in Church?
  32. R. Scott Clark | Upside Down Hermeneutics
  33. Chris Gordon | The Domino Theory and Egalitarian Pulpits
  34. Jen Pollock Michel | The Accidental Complimentarian
  35. R. Scott Clark | Beyond Fundamentalism And Feminism
  36. R. Scott Clark | Heidelcast 178: Responding To Criticisms Regarding Ontology, Feminism, Nature, and Grace
  37. R. Scott Clark | Rescuing Complementarianism
  38. The Apostle Paul Was Not A Patriarchalist: A Note On Ephesians 5:22
  39. D. G. Hart, “Office, Gender, and Egalitarianism” in Recovering Mother Kirk: The Case for Liturgy in the Reformed Tradition (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003).
  40. D. A. Carson, “Silent in the churches:” On the Role of Women in 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36 in John Piper and Wayne A Grudem, ed. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991).
  41. George W. Knight III, “Husbands and Wives as Analogues of Christ and the Church: Ephesians 5:21–33 and Colossians 3:18–19” in John Piper and Wayne A Grudem, ed. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991).
  42. Douglas Moo, “What Does It Mean Not to Teach or Have Authority Over Men?: 1 Timothy 2:11–15” in John Piper and Wayne A Grudem, ed. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991).
  43. George W. Knight III, “The Family and the Church: How Should Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Work Out in Practice?” in John Piper and Wayne A Grudem, ed. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991).

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