Serious Wisdom From Steve Baugh

How does a modern wife submit while retaining her God-given integrity as a fellow heir of life and fellow citizen with the saints? I think Paul answers that in 5:15: She submits with wisdom and careful reflection on biblical truths that bear on the issue.

Ideally, this whole issue [of submission] never becomes a problem or an issue between a man and wife when a godly husband lovingly cherishes his wife as Christ cherishes the church. But both wives and husbands must pray for and exercise wisdom in their submission and love.

S. M. Baugh | Ephesians. Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015), 497.


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  • Brian Lee
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    Rev. Dr. Brian Lee (B.A., Stanford; M.A., Westminster Seminary California; Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary) is the founding pastor of Christ Reformed DC. Prior to being called to plant CRDC, Brian worked on Capitol Hill in various capacities, and previously worked as an editor and writer for Modern Reformation and the White Horse Inn. He has authored numerous popular articles and has published scholarly works on the biblical interpretation of the Reformation. He has taught at Reformed Theological Seminary, Calvin College, and Calvin Seminary. He lives with his wife and daughter in Alexandria, Virginia.

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