Nine Ways To Encourage Women In The Church

Le Ann Trees, at Beautiful Christian Life, has published a brief essay outlining ways that the visible church can encourage her female members. It is thoughtful and well-grounded in Scripture and avoids the pitfalls of those some essays on this topic. Read more»


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    The Heidelblog has been in publication since 2007. It is devoted to recovering the Reformed confession and to helping others discover Reformed theology, piety, and practice.

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One comment

  1. It takes courage to even address this issue in our times. I even felt some trepidation when starting to read it. But as with the rest of the content on “Beautiful Christian Life”, it is well done. I found it very helpful and thought-provoking. I was encouraged to review my own actions in the past, and think of ways that I can better honor God’s gift of women in the church.

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