The first time I remember reading Psalm 2 it was in my hometown newspaper, now known as the Lincoln Journal Star. If memory serves, it appeared every week, probably in the Sunday edition, which, as every paper carrier knows, is the largest . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2
Saturday Psalm Series: Ruling In The Midst Of His Enemies—Psalms 2 & 110
If you have been watching this space or listening to the Heidelcast, you will be aware that various contributors and friends of the Heidelblog have been paying some attention to the renewed interest in postmillennial eschatology and to its child, the theorecon . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 1—The Situation
An old Scottish tune, Skye Boat Song, about Bonnie Prince Charlie begins, Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing. Onward, the sailors cry! Carry the lad that’s born to be King Over the sea to Skye. If you are not . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 2—The Solution
There used to be a gameshow called American Gladiators in which amateur athletes competed in ridiculous tests of strength against professional “gladiators.” The culminating showdown was always a duel atop raised towers where the leading contestant faced down a gladiator, each wielding . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 3—The Strategy
As we have worked through Psalm 2, the question running throughout is: Who rules the world? Are the nations going to overthrow God? For those in the know, namely those paying attention to the message of Psalm 2, the answer is clear. . . . Continue reading →