That’s Kenosha. Recently there has been renewed discussion of a “modified” approach to the “Kenosis” theory that says, as I understand it, that, in the incarnation, Christ emptied himself of his divinity. I’ve been really pressed for the last several month researching . . . Continue reading →
A Brief History Of The Kenosis Theory
KENOTICISM, from the Gk. kenōsis, meaning (self-) ‘emptying’ (used in Phil. 2:6–7), refers to a number of related Christological theories concerning the status of the divine in the incarnate Christ. While the term is found in a number of patristic writers and . . . Continue reading →
Machen Contra Kenosis
Finally, there is no trace in Paul of any doctrine of “kenosis,” by which the higher nature of Christ might have been regarded as so relinquished while He was on earth that the words and deeds of the historic person would become . . . Continue reading →
Vos Contra Kenosis
b)…On the contrary, however, modern kenosis doctrine, itself pantheistic in origin, has explained the incarnation itself as a extinction or emptying of deity. —Geerhardus Vos, Reformed Dogmatics, ed. Richard B. Gaffin, trans. Annemie Godbehere et al., vol. 3 (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, . . . Continue reading →
Berkhof Contra Kenosis
The Kenotic Theories. A remarkable attempt was made in the so-called Kenosis doctrine to improve on the theological construction of the doctrine of the Person of Christ. The term Kenosis is derived from Philippians 2:7, which says that Christ “emptied Himself, taking . . . Continue reading →
He Did Not Empty Himself Of His Deity. He Figuratively Poured Himself Out Like A Drink Offering
B.B. Warfield once wrote an article on Philippians 2 titled, “Imitating the Incarnation.” This is precisely the aim of Paul in Philippians 2, that we should have the same mind of Jesus Christ. Paul explains for us what Christ’s perspective was in . . . Continue reading →