Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, . . . Continue reading →
holiness of God
Heidelcast 140: I Am That I Am (12): The Attributes Of God
The foundational truth for this series is the categorical distinction, the Creator/creature distinction. We can and must apprehend God as he reveals himself to us. He is knowable. We can say true things about him, but we can never know God in . . . Continue reading →
J. C. Ryle With A Message To The Twenty-first Century Church
Of course, we are all apt to exaggerate the importance of our own times. But I venture to think that the present position of the Church… is more critical and perilous than it has been at any period during the last two . . . Continue reading →
Shattering Creaturely Independence In The Presence Of The Creator
To come into the presence of our Creator shatters any illusion of creaturely independence and self-sufficiency. We are not our own and are undone before him. Apart from him we have no existence (Col 1:16-17). It is God who created us, as . . . Continue reading →