At Creed or Chaos
Heidelcast 19: The Church of Steel vs A Cross of Wood
The Church of Steel vs A Cross of Wood In downtown San Diego there is a storefront on Broadway which advertises itself as the “Church of Steel.” I found an interview with the proprietor (minister?) of this “church” and it is enlightening. . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 39: The Curse Of The Cross
As many writers have noted, perhaps most notable among them recently the Archbishop of Canterbury, in Western culture, the cross has largely lost its religious significance. One would not see pop stars of the 1940s and 50s wearing gold or silver cross while performing. . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 194: What Must A Christian Believe? (11) On Christ’s Obedience And Atoning Death
In our survey of the rule of faith, i.e., the Apostles’ Creed, we have reached the fourth article: “suffered under Pontius, Pilate, crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell.” In this episode we consider Christ’s suffering and death and in the . . . Continue reading →