Narcissism, Ignorance, and Bureaucracy: A Vicious Combination

Vitium. St Augustine helped us to understand Paul’s doctrine of sin by using the word vitium. It denotes a powerful corrupting force. We’ve translated it into English with the word “vice” but that word long ago lost its force. We refer to . . . Continue reading →

Why Governments Fail

The breezy confidence of the White House and CDC is the kind of happy talk that relies on all the links in the chain having the same strength. —Rick Wilson, “The Uninvited Guest“

On “Safetyism”

But these same scenes present an affront to the organs of social control. There would seem to be an inherent tension between the spirit of play and “safetyism” (I parse this tension more fully in my book Why We Drive, which will . . . Continue reading →