In October of last year the HB noted the release of the documentary American Gospel, an exposé of the so-called “prosperity gospel,” as well as the widespread confusion in evangelicalism over the nature of justification. I noted then, for far too many . . . Continue reading →
American Gospel
Video Available Now: American Gospel: Christ Crucified
The second installment in the American Gospel film series is available now. Brandon writes: The gospel message of “Christ crucified” has always been offensive. In our culture it is common for preachers to soften the offense of the cross, and the attributes . . . Continue reading →
“American Gospel: Christ Alone” Is Now On Netflix
For far too many American and global Christians, the “prosperity gospel” is all they know of Christianity. For far too many Christians what the Scriptures actually teach about the law and the gospel is almost entirely unknown. Their leaders and influences are . . . Continue reading →