After thirteen years of ministry alongside college-age and career-age single folks, I have witnessed, counseled, and comforted perhaps more than my share of dear people who have suffered from the tragedy of sexual and physical abuse. In a culture that seems to . . . Continue reading →
Author Archives: Hohn Cho
On The Importance Of Reputation
As he is wont to do, Doug Wilson wrote and published to the general public a strongly-worded opinion piece regarding a matter of current controversy. I responded to him here, and Phil Johnson added several helpful points here. As an aside, I . . . Continue reading →
On Missing The Point Of Sexual Abuse
It has been an eventful week on the topic of sexual abuse and the church. The Houston Chronicle published a series of articles on the scope of the problem within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)—a problem which has been exacerbated by the . . . Continue reading →