Heidelcast Series: Chad Vegas On Covenant And Baptism

This is a special series from the Heidelcast featuring my dear friend and colleague in ministry, Chad Vegas, pastor of Sovereign Grace Bakersfield. He’s been walking his congregation from a Baptist to a Reformed understanding of covenant theology and baptism. He’s focusing on shepherding his congregation but he’s allowed us to share these six messages on baptism and covenant theology with you. He will he writing on this on the Heidelblog in the coming months but for now, here’s Chad working though the issues:

  1. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant And Baptism (1)
  2. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant And Baptism (2)
  3. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant and Baptism (3)
  4. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant and Baptism (4)
  5. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant and Baptism (5)
  6. Heidelcast Special: Chad Vegas On Covenant and Baptism (6)


  1. Resources For Those Beginning To Study Covenant Theology
  2. Resources On Covenant Theology and Infant Baptism
  3. Resources On The Unity Of The Covenant Of Grace
  4. Resources On A Covenantal Approach To The Christian Life
  5. Discovering the Reformed Confession


Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
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