‘Who hath anointed us, and sealed us.’ Anointing and sealing go together. The same God anoints us doth also seal us. Both are to secure us of our happy condition. Now Christ is the first sealed: John 6:27, ‘Him hath the father . . . Continue reading →
Richard Sibbes
Sibbes: Our Communion Was First Founded Upon A Covenant Of Works
This communion and fellowship of man with God, was first founded on a covenant of works made with Adam in paradise. If he did obey, and did not eat of the forbidden fruit, he should have life both for himself and his . . . Continue reading →
Richard Sibbes Contra Lent
Some make a mockery of the holy things of God. One part of the year they will be holy; a rotten, foolish affection of people that are popish. In Lent they will use a little austerity, oh! they will please God wondrously! . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: At Sinai God Renewed The Covenant Of Works
The communion and fellowship of man with God, was first founded on a covenant of works made with Adam in paradise. If he did obey, and did not eat of the forbidden fruit, he should have life both for himself and his . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: The Ascended Christ Is Our Contentment
Christ’s ascension is a ground of contentment in all conditions. What if we lack comfort, houses, or anything on earth, when we have heaven provided for us, and glory provided for us in our Head? Will not any condition content a man . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: Our Blessedness Is Communion With God
Man’s happiness is in communion with God. Before the fall of man, there was familiar conversation with God; but by the sin of our first parents, we lost this great happiness, and now we are strangers, and as contrary to God as . . . Continue reading →
Sibbes: Preaching Must Be Of Nothing But Christ
Preaching must be of Christ. Some may question, “But must nothing be preached but Christ?” Yes, nothing but Christ, or that which tends to Christ. Whatever is done in preaching to humble men, it is to raise them up again in Christ. . . . Continue reading →