Man’s happiness is in communion with God. Before the fall of man, there was familiar conversation with God; but by the sin of our first parents, we lost this great happiness, and now we are strangers, and as contrary to God as light is contrary to darkness, and hell to heaven. He is holy, we are impure; He is full of knowledge, we are stark fools. Instead of delighting in Him we tremble at His presence and are even afraid of those who draw near to Him… But God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, did not leave us in that state. He purposed to choose some to draw near to Him; and to this end He found a way for man and Him to meet. The foundation of this union is in Christ, in whom God reconciled the world to Himself. Jesus, being God, became man, so to draw man back to God. He has made a means to make the seeming opposite attributes of justice and mercy to kiss each other. We by His grace are saved, yet at the same time His infinite justice has been fully met.
Richard Sibbes | Refreshment for the Soul: Daily Readings by Richard Sibbes (BT), 359.
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Yes! Thank you. I’m reading this great book daily!