What are the principal parts of God’s Word? The law and the gospel. What do you call the law? It is that part of the word that commands all good and forbids all evil. What if we could keep the law? Then . . . Continue reading →
Richard Greenham
Richard Greenham On The Nature And Use Of The Law
Q. How shall we come to the right sight of our sins and a sound persuasion of the greatness of them? A: By the Spirit of God leading us into the true understanding of the law and a due examination of ourselves . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 60: Nomism And Antinomianism (3)
With this episode I had intended to begin a survey of The Marrow of Modern Divinity but Chris Gordon, my friend, colleague, and pastor at Escondido URC put in my hands a terrific little volume from 1831, which was an assessment of the Marrow . . . Continue reading →
A Forgotten Catechism Recovered
One of the most forgotten Elizabethan Puritans is Richard Greenham (c. 1542–1594). As an early Elizabethan puritan, Greenham’s influence in the late 16th century was second only to that of William Perkins. He wrote a very helpful catechism on the Christian faith . . . Continue reading →