Part 2 Modern evangelicals often assume that the line between post-canonical and canonical life is blurry or non-existent. It is widely assumed that we are in the exact same place in history as the prophets and apostles and that we can, if . . . Continue reading →
The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (5)
Part 4. We like the idea of special, individualized messages from God about our particular circumstance or question. We don’t much like the idea of struggling in prayer and thought over what is the wisest course. But as important as the Reformed . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 8: The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (1)
An HB Classic
The single most pressing question I hear is: “How can I know God’s will?” Prospective seminary students want to know whether they should attend seminary. Couples want to know whether they should get married. Ministers want to know whether to take a . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 10: The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (Pt 3)
Modern evangelicals often assume that the line between canonical and post-canonical life is blurry or non-existent. Making that distinction, however, is essential to knowing God’s will. This isn’t the most popular way of thinking about God’s will, however. After all, why listen to . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 11a: The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (Pt 4)
We like the idea of direct, special revelation that speaks to our particular circumstances. Most of us don’t relish the idea of struggling in prayer, of dealing with doubt, of making a decision in the midst of uncertainty. God could clear things . . . Continue reading →