There is a story in the 12 March 2009 issue of the Chronicles of Higher Education building on the research presented at showing that post-secondary grades have risen steadily since 1991.
grade inflation
All the Children Are Not Above Average
In Lake Wobegon all the children are above average. Outside of Lake Wobegon, however, it isn’t so. Therein lies the problem. Of course Garrison Keillor is being funny. In the nature of things, all the children cannot be above average. A recent . . . Continue reading →
Grade Inflation And The Self-Esteem Economy
‘The median grade in Harvard College is indeed an A-,’ the school’s dean of education said today, according to the student newspaper. Even more stunning: ‘The most frequently awarded grade in Harvard College is actually a straight A.’ —Roberto A. Ferdman, “The . . . Continue reading →
Ambivalence About Student Evaluations
Student ratings continue to be the source of information most widely used to assess teaching. The use of written, formal student ratings increased from 88.1 to 94.2 percent over the ten-year period. A dean in Texas wrote, “Students are the most accurate . . . Continue reading →