In earlier generations simplicity was regarded as an indispensable aspect of an orthodox doctrine of God. Anglicans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Baptists all confessed that God is “without parts” and the Belgic Confession even made divine simplicity its opening affirmation: “We all believe . . . Continue reading →
divine simplicity
Bavinck On Divine Simplicity
Now Christian theology has always been more or less conscious of this calling. On the whole, its teaching has been that God is “simple,” that is, sublimely free from all composition, and that therefore one cannot make any real [i.e., ontological] distinction . . . Continue reading →
Turretin Defended Divine Simplicity Against The Socinians
Is God most simple and free from all composition? We affirm against Socinus and Vorstius I. The Socinians agitate this controversy with us since they deny that simplicity can be attributed to God according to the Scriptures and think it should be . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast Series: I Am That I Am
This is the complete Heidelcast series (16 episodes) on the doctrine of God: I AM That I AM. Continue reading →
Your Favorite Apologist Does Not Define Christianity
Apologetics is an important, necessary discipline. Christians are called by Scripture to give a reason for our hope to everyone who asks (1 Pet 3:15). There is a long history of apologists, however, damaging Christian doctrine in order to defend the faith and laity are tempted to follow them. Continue reading