One final note: whether you think this is a really good systematic theology or one of the most important in the last generation or two, probably depends on how much you get into tri-perspectivalism. I have friends who find Frame’s triads of . . . Continue reading →
dialectical theology
Heidelcast 55: Why We Can’t Move On (1)
There is a certain amount of pressure within the NAPARC world to “move on” from the Federal Vision. In the next three episodes we’re going to consider why that is and how Reformed folk, particularly ministers and elders (but laity too), should . . . Continue reading →
Shepherdite Theology: Covenantal Arminianism
It is not proper, therefore, to set up a dichotomy whereby according to God’s secret will, election or justification cannot be lost, but according to our covenant perspective they may be lost. The statements cited show a tendency to use typically Calvinistic . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast Minute: The Federal Vision Theology Is Dialectical
The adjective dialectical, can refer generally to a discussion of different points of view. In this context, however, it refers to a specific theological method. In short, a dialectical theologian says contradictory things about the same at the same time. It is . . . Continue reading →