We understand and appreciate that the therapy is highly controversial. But the First Amendment has no carveout for controversial speech. We hold that the challenged ordinances violate the First Amendment because they are content-based regulations of speech that cannot survive strict scrutiny. . . . Continue reading →
conversion therapy
UK Christians Respond To Proposal To Ban “Conversion Therapy”
These Laws Already Exist In Some US States
We are Christian ministers and pastoral workers from a broad range of churches, who have in common that we hold to orthodox, historic Christian teaching on sexual ethics. We are writing in response to the consultation on ‘Banning “Conversion Therapy”’ presented by . . . Continue reading →
Something New To Discuss During Our Q&A Session: Rosaria Changes Her Mind About “Conversion Therapy”
The category “conversion therapy” (CT) was always dubious. Coined in 1991, the term was a grab-bag, a way of lumping together a variety of approaches to the treatment of same-sex attraction (SSA). As a result of the various bans on CT, when . . . Continue reading →