My wife and I have moved quite a lot in our adult lives. We have done local and cross-country moves. We have met a lot of wonderful people along the way. Continue reading →
Psalm 115: The Cure For Idolatry In The Postmodern World (Part 2)
The gravers of images, all of them are desolate Their delights never profit. Their witnesses do not see They do not know so that they are shamed. . . . He grazes on ash, a heart is deceived, it leads him away. He cannot . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 115: The Cure For Idolatry In The Postmodern World (Part 1)
Not ours, YHWH, not ours For to your name, give glory. On account of your steadfast love and on account of your faithfulness. Why should the nations say “Where, now, is their God?” Our God is in the heavens, All that delights . . . Continue reading →
Courage In The Storm: When God Is On Your Side—Psalm 4
I have a few friends I have to call every now and then so they can put my backbone back in place. Courage is one of those finnicky things where, even if we have it, the perfect storm—or maybe even a weak . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 50: The Heart Of A Worshipper—Proper Sacrifices (Part 2)
In the first part of our exposition of Psalm 50, we considered what proper, or correct worship is—that is, worship offered according to the Word of God (Regulative Principle of Worship) and given with all of the heart, mind, soul, and strength. . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 50: The Heart Of A Worshipper—Proper Sacrifices (Part 1)
Imagine preparing for worship on the Lord’s Day, the most important day of the week—you get to church, find your seat, and you prepare yourself for divine worship. As the worship service begins, you listen to the call to worship and the . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 4)
Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 22 an expositional and pastoral survey in our previous three articles, we return one last time for a fourth installment wherein we consider further implications and applications. With great indebtedness to the pastoral insight and . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 3)
Along the way in our little devotional Saturday Psalm series, we have said that Psalm 22 can rightly be called “the Psalm of Calvary,” given how the Lord Jesus adopts the words of King David for himself, crying out as he hung . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 2)
As we noted last time, this psalm was written some three thousand years ago and some one thousand years before the life of Christ. According to Matthew 27:46, Jesus quotes a portion of these words as he is suffering and dying on . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According To John (MacArthur) 25
Dr Clark concludes his TLDR; (too long, didn’t read) series reviewing The Gospel According to Jesus. Continue reading →
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 1)
Psalm 22 has been called “the Psalm of Calvary” or “the Good Friday Psalm,” for reasons which may be obvious and which I hope become more obvious by the end of this little devotional series. This psalm was written some three thousand . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According To John (MacArthur) 24
Dr Clark continues his TLDR; (too long, didn’t read) series reviewing The Gospel According to Jesus. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According To John (MacArthur) 23
Dr Clark continues his TLDR; (too long, didn’t read) series reviewing The Gospel According to Jesus. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: The Gospel According To John (MacArthur) 22
Dr Clark continues his TLDR; (too long, didn’t read) series reviewing The Gospel According to Jesus. Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 3—Training and Triumph
One scholar has commented about Psalm 3 that while Scripture most often speaks to us, the Psalter speaks for us.1 It gives us the words we need as we cry out to God. It shows us what godly prayers look like so . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 25
With this installment we come to the end of the series reviewing and critiquing John MacArthur’s The Gospel According to Jesus. Remarkably, like the Old Testament prophets searching and enquiring “carefully what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 2—Historical and Exegetical Considerations
Suffering is unfortunately part of our experience in this age. Until Christ returns, not all things will be right. Perhaps most things will not be right. The stark reality of life under the rainbow is that we live with provisional blessing, always . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 24
Chapters 22 and 23, “The Cost of Discipleship” and “The Lordship of Christ” do not add anything that MacArthur has not already said. Essentially, chapter 22 is a rejection of the Christian life of discipleship as a second blessing.273 It is interesting . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 1—Context In The Psalter
We can probably imagine how different the perspective might be between a photograph taken by an ant and a photograph taken from space. Imagine an ant who happened to have an ant-sized camera and happened to be riding on the back of . . . Continue reading →
The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 23
Chapter 21 of MacArthur’s The Gospel According to Jesus is typical of this work. There is much that is true and helpful, there is not a little irony, and there are one or two significant mistakes. Again, as I have said many . . . Continue reading →