Life is littered with passages. These are the milestones and the ordeals that transition us from one stage to another. Waiting at the DMV for your driver’s test, sitting for the Bar, getting married, becoming a parent, retirement—these are just a few . . . Continue reading →
Rejoicing In The Divine Warrior: Psalm 21
There come those times in life when you want to express your sincere thoughts and deep emotions to someone special: a birthday, a love letter, a major milestone. The words have to be just right, so what do you do? You can . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 20: Thy Kingdom Come, Not God Save The King
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, God save the King? Many of us think of some BBC show or a period piece on the British monarchy, as we know this cry entirely from history, literature, or entertainment. Indeed, it . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 14: The Heart Talk Of Fools (Part 2)—The Foolishness Of Fallenness
Why does Psalm 14 focus on the foolishness of sinners? It does so to highlight God’s sovereignty despite the wrongs that are out of place in the world. Sin and its fallout are not what ought to be. These shortcomings about the . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 14: The Heart Talk Of Fools (Part 1)—Prayer’s Call For Reflection
I have never been confident enough in my evangelistic approaches to recommend them to others, but they sometimes do make for good stories. In a previous job at a coffee shop, I remember a conversation with a co-worker who expressed being bent . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 13: How Long? (Part 2)—Our Deep Need For God’s Rescue
Psalm 13 is about how to navigate waiting before God. The Psalter functions at least in part to instruct us about the godly response to the full spectrum of experience and emotion that we encounter in the Christian life. Psalm 13 considers . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 13: How Long? (Part 1)—Canonical Contribution
If you are anything like me, waiting in line is really hard for you. Some of my more frustrating experiences are when I see no forward motion in the line I am waiting in. As you are waiting for your turn to . . . Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 3)
Recently, the King of Spain, Felipe VI, met his subjects in the streets. Floods have lately ravaged Spain, and the monarch came to meet his people. Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 2)
Recently, the King of Spain, Felipe VI, met his subjects in the streets. Floods have lately ravaged Spain, and the monarch came to meet his people. Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 1)
Yuri Gagarin is an unlikely candidate to make an appearance in our churches. The Russian cosmonaut died in 1968. Nevertheless, you may have heard of him. He was the first man in space. He is also becoming a favorite sermon illustration of some. Continue reading →
Psalm 12—A Pure And Protecting Word (Part 2): Application
This series walks through Psalm 12 and its teaching that God’s Word is the pure and protecting source of guidance and deliverance. Part one outlined the three-act structure that developed the problem (1–2), proposed David’s solution (3–4), and presented God’s Word as . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 12—A Pure And Protecting Word (Part 1): Exegesis
With some irony, one of the hot topics in the news today is whether the news is reliable. The so-called “legacy media,” which is basically the major networks and news outlets, seems to face the common accusation of promoting agendas and certain . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 11—Explicable Courage (Part 3): The King Of Righteousness
As this series has explored, Psalm 11 is a prayer of trust in how God will come through for his people when dangers seem threatening. What could be a real threat to us if we lived in a poor shelter becomes no . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 11—Explicable Courage (Part 2): Exposition
Psalm 11 is an expression of trust that God is our ultimate and true source of safety.1 It shows how the place where we find our refuge plays a key role in how threatened we will feel by the potential dangers around . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 11—Explicable Courage (Part 1): Canonical Context
It is funny how our lodging place changes our perspective on the severity of our surrounding conditions. In a nice and sturdy house, a basic rainstorm seems inconsequential—people inside often even enjoy the patter of raindrops against their windows. On the other . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 4)
Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 42 an expositional and pastoral survey in our previous three articles, we return one last time for a fourth installment wherein we consider some further implications and applications: 1. The great Matthew Henry writes in . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 3)
When we left this psalm at the end of part 2, we noted that the psalmist was drawing from his spiritual reservoir, so to speak. Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 2)
Last time, in part 1 of our study on Psalm 42, we began to consider how love for God’s house is the essence of true piety. Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 1)
One reason to love the Psalms is that they serve as a fierce rejoinder to the trendy spirituality of our age. If we are honest, sometimes (whether through the influence of our wider culture or through the influence of other Christians), we . . . Continue reading →
Christ’s Cursing Song—Abortion And Rebirth In Psalm 58 (Part 2)
During the height of Nazi ascendency in early twentieth-century Germany, when the Confessing Lutheran Church was becoming more and more oppressed by the regime, a young preacher gave a sermon on the 58th Psalm. Continue reading →