Obj. 2. He who commands impossibilities, commands things which are not profitable. God commands impossibilities in his law. Therefore he commands things which are useless, and so by consequence the law itself is of no use. Ans. This argument is nearly the same as the one we have just answered. We reply, however, to the major proposition, That he commands things unprofitable, who commands impossibilities: 1. If the things enjoined be absolutely impossible. 2. If they be always impossible. 3. If the command have no other objects than that the things which are enjoined be perfectly complied with. But there are many ends on account of which God commands and enforces the law, and requires that it be taught in the church, as may be seen from the remarks which we have already made upon this subject. There is also here the same error which we noticed in the former objection, in regarding that as a cause which is no sufficient reason.
Zacharias Ursinus | Commentary of Dr Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism, trans. George W. Williard (Cincinnati: Elm Street Printing Company, 1888), 616–18.
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