PCA SE Alabama Presbytery Asks SJC To Assume Original Jurisdiction In Johnson Case

Whereas in his responses to the Standing Judicial Commission’s additional questions, TE Greg Johnson affirmed his belief in the Bible’s teaching on human sexuality with regard to same-sex attraction (homosexual orientation, inter alia) and qualifications for ordained ministerial office, as summarized in the Westminster Standards (e.g., SJC Judicial Case 2020-12, pg. 14; lines 25-30; lines 42-45, pg. 15; lines 1-20, etc.),

…Whereas in his responses to the Standing Judicial Commission’s additional questions, TE Greg Johnson specifically denied identifying as a “gay Christian,” including using this couplet of words (SJC Judicial Case 2020-12, pg. 17; lines 42-46, pg. 16; lines 1-11),

…Whereas since the record of the case of the original Missouri Presbytery investigation of him (July 21, 2020), and even subsequent to the Standing Judicial Commission judicial case 2020-12 (October 21, 2021), TE Greg Johnson has made numerous public comments that appear to either contradict or at least offer confusion to his previous affirmations in these matters (see examples in the attached addendum),

…Therefore be it resolved that Southeast Alabama Presbytery requests that the General Assembly assume original jurisdiction in the case of the doctrinal error of Teaching Elder Greg Johnson per BCO 34-1. Read more»

Southeast Alabama Presbytery | Apr 14, 2022


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  1. Maybe Brad Isbell can answer this question. The SJC handles cases appealed from presbyteries to the GA. If the case does not receive something like a 2/3 majority decision in the SJC then it automatically goes to the entire GA for resolution (very rare). Since the SJC has already rendered a ruling in this case, is the SEAL presbytery actually asking the entire GA to adjudicate this case rather than the SJC?

  2. This case is moving at a snail’s pace. Although PCA judicial process takes time, it will conclude at some point, surely. When it does, and whatever the judgment is, it will likely be the reason some sheep use to look for greener pastures, so to speak. This is sad, but necessary, IMHO. Lord, have mercy. Thanks for posting.

    • David: First, the GA has to vote to approve the overture which is far from guaranteed. If the SJC assumes the case, I estimate at least two years to process it if the past is any guide. The verdict? Again using history as a guide, they may decide to dismiss the case at worst and deliver some sort of admonishment to Johnson at best. The SJC is not ever going to be the place where change for the better on theological matters will happen. There is however another overture this year which asks that the composition of the SJC be changed from the 24 appointed members to 88 members with one representative from each presbytery. Even with that I still think that the SJC will be loath to directly address theological questions.

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