This episode (#274) begins the 13th season of Office Hours. This semester Westminster Seminary California began its 41st year and the original primary purpose is still the primary purpose: to prepare men for pastoral ministry. It is the seminary’s conviction that it is through the preaching of the gospel that God the Spirit brings his elect to new life and true faith. It is through the preaching of the Word that God grows his church numerically and spiritually. The seminary says, “Westminster Seminary, for Christ, his Gospel, and his church.” It is through the establishing of new congregations, church planting principally, that the Kingdom of God is expanded. They are always excited when they hear that one of their graduates is planting a new congregation and so it is exciting to talk with Adam Kaloostian about his new call, Ventura Reformed, a grassroots church-planting project in Ventura, California. They are aiming specifically to establish a new Reformed congregation not only with Reformed-and-relocating people, and with Christians-becoming-Reformed people, but especially with people who do not attend any church at all. Adam is a graduate of BIOLA and Westminster Seminary California. He has been married 21 years and he and Lena have 1 child.
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- Seeker, Franchise, Or Reforming: Moving Beyond Some Current Models In Reformed Church Planting To Recover The Whole Mission