For those of us who love Reformed theology and are interested in its modern development, Geerhardus Vos (1862–1949) is a significant figure. He spent most of his career, at Princeton Seminary, reforming and developing what had come to be known in the nineteenth century as Biblical Theology but like his seventeenth-century forebears (e.g., Cocceius), Vos also taught dogmatics. He began his teaching career at the theological school of the Christian Reformed Church. While there he taught Dogmatics, which is essentially the European way of saying systematic theology. By the way, if you ever see a copy of the first edition of Berkhof’s systematic theology you will see that it too was titled Reformed Dogmatics. Lexham Press has been publishing the first-ever English translation of these volumes serially. Last year, however, they combined all the volumes into one. It is 1274 pages but they used Bible paper so that the volume is remarkably thin physically (but thick theologically). It is an impressive work. This volume is a valuable window into the state of Reformed orthodoxy around the turn of the 20th century. It is interesting to see how or to what degree he was influenced by earlier Reformed orthodoxy (of which he was a student) as well as by Bavinck. Of course, it is interesting to read this volume in light of his later work in biblical studies and biblical theology. As Richard Gaffin, the translator, reminds us in his preface, this volume reflects the fact that this work was probably not intended to be published. These were extensive classroom notes and should be received by us as such. This is an excellent volume and a worthy addition to church libraries, pastoral libraries and certainly should be added to the libraries in Christian colleges and seminaries everywhere. Those who are interested in the history of Reformed theology will welcome this work. It is available from Lexham Press for $59.99.
©R. Scott Clark. All Rights Reserved.
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- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008).
- Geerhardus Vos On The Creation Days
- Vos Contra Two-Stage Justification
- Vos: The Covenant Of Grace Was Present In, With, And Through The Old Testament Types And Shadows
- Vos: God Allowed The Republication Of The Covenant Of Works
- Vos: The Substance Of The One Covenant Of Grace Was In The Old Covenant
- Vos Spotted Aspects Of Federal Vision Theology In Pareus And Davenant
- Vos On The Role Of Works In Salvation
- Vos Contra Kenosis
- Vos: “Touch Me Not” Was A Pledge Of Better Things
- Vos: Distinguishing Two Ages Is Not Platonism
- Vos: Whoever Has Historical Sense Can See The Covenant Of Works In The Earlier Reformed Writers
- Vos on the Relationship of the Mystical to the Forensic
- Vos on the Benefits of the New Covenant
- Vos on Justification and Union with Christ
- Vos on the Historical Reliability of Scripture
- Vos On The Kingdom
- Vos Still Matters
[NB: Lexham Press graciously provided this volume as part of work on another project but the content of this post is independent of any influence by the publisher].
I personally would not recommend this one volume. The paper is awful. I gave away my 5 volumes and purchased the one volumes, and I continue to kick myself. The paper is very thin and the bleed-through is awful.