In a brief episode of the Heidelcast, I offered five or six points about the controversy over the placement of a Satanist altar in the Iowa state capitol, its destruction, and how Christians ought to think about the controversy.1 In the ensuing . . . Continue reading →
Reponding to Satanists and Other Pagans
Another Way To Respond To Satanists And Other Pagans (Part 2)
On the assumption that we in the West live in what Aaron Renn calls a “negative world” (i.e., a culture that is predominantly hostile to Christianity, that Christendom is never to return, and that various forms of neo-Paganism are likely to fill . . . Continue reading →
Another Way To Respond To Satanists And Other Pagans (Part 3)
Last time we considered Justin’s First Apology (i.e., defense) of the Christians to Caesar Antoninus Pius (AD 86–161). But there is a postscript to that defense that is worth considering in order to understand the world in which and to which Justin . . . Continue reading →