The law is known partly by the light of nature (Rom. 2:14–15), but the gospel is known only by a revelation from heaven (Matt. 11:27). Man, though he is a fallen creature, has in some degree a natural knowledge of the law, . . . Continue reading →
John Colquhoun
Colquhoun: New Converts Need To Be Taught The Distinction Between Law And Gospel
If awakened sinners are ignorant of the leading points of difference between the law and the gospel, this will discourage them much from attempting to come to Christ for salvation. If they cannot distinguish aright between the law and the gospel, they . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Ignorance Of The Distinction Between Law And Gospel Fuels Self Righteousness
Ignorance of the difference between the law and the gospel promotes also, in a great degree, the strength and influence of a self-righteous temper. When a man is driven to acts of obedience by the dread of God’s wrath revealed in the . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Sinai Considered As Covenant Of Works
The law that was given from Mount Sinai by the ministry of Moses, considered as the matter of the covenant of works, was a ministry of rigor and of terror in opposition to the gospel dispensation, which is called grace; it was . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Sincere Obedience Is Not Enough
Is the law of the Lord perfect, and does it require that our obedience be perfect in its principles, parts, degrees, and continuance? It is impossible, then, that sincere obedience can entitle a sinner to eternal life. A man’s faith may be . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Moral Law Is A Perpetual Obligation
Is the moral law of perpetual obligation? Then it follows that, as a covenant of works, it retains and will continue throughout eternity to retain its whole authority and obligation over every sinner of mankind who lives and dies under it. In . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Breach Of One Is A Breach Of All
The same duty is required and the same sin is forbidden, in different respects, in several and even in all the divine commands. The transgression of one precept is virtually a breach of all. They are so intimately connected together that if . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Best Acts Of The Unregenerate Are Tainted With Sin
Hence, it is manifest also that the very best actions of unconverted persons are sinful in the sight of God. Such persons, indeed, do many things that are materially good but nothing that is formally good—nothing from a good principle, in a . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Gospel Promise Has Always Been Free And Absolute
The gospel after the fall was revealed in the form of a free and absolute promise of a Savior with salvation in Him to lost sinners of mankind. It was then promised that the seed of the woman would bruise the head . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: This Is The Record
“This is the record,” says the apostle John, “that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son” (1 John 5:11). That God has given to us an offer of eternal life in and with His Son . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Law Requires Duties, The Gospel Offers Benefits
While all duties are commanded in the law, all privileges and blessings are offered in the gospel. While the former are required of all, the latter are presented to all. Christ and all the blessings of His great salvation are in the . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: True Faith Leads To Obedience
Their obligation to obey His law as a rule of conduct proceeds likewise from His being their redeeming God. “In his love and in his pity he redeemed them” (Isa. 63:9). From eternity He, according to the good pleasure of His will, . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: If Any Quality In Us Or Good Work By Us Is A Condition Of Justification, The Covenant Of Grace Has Become A Covenant Of Works
Hence, it is also manifest that if any good quality or work of ours were made the condition of our justification or title to eternal life, this would turn the covenant of grace exhibited in the gospel into a covenant of works. . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Whole Salvation Is Freely Offered
Is the whole of Christ’s salvation offered in the gospel to sinners? Then salvation from the law as a covenant of works is tendered to them. In the declarations and offers of the blessed gospel, the consummate righteousness of Jesus Christ, which . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Great Use Of The Gospel
The gospel in its strict acceptation is, in the hand of the Holy Spirit, of special use…: To reveal Christ and God in Him as reconciled and as reconciling sinners of mankind to Himself. The great use of the gospel is to . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Gospel Discloses the Covenant Of Redemption
It is the gospel that also discloses to sinners the covenant of grace into which the Father and the Son as last Adam, with the infinite approbation of the Holy Spirit, have entered for the salvation of such sinners as believe. Sinful . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: In The Gospel An Offer Is Made
[The Gospel] serves, likewise, the highly important purpose of discovering to sinners their warrant to trust in Christ Jesus for complete salvation. In the blessed gospel, Christ, and God in Christ, are freely offered to sinful men, and men are graciously invited . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: Believers Are Not Under The Law As A Covenant Of Works
Once more, are true believers delivered from the commanding, condemning, and irritating power of the law as a covenant? Let them then, amid all their trials and all their conflicts with spiritual enemies, be of good comfort. Oh, let them rejoice exceedingly . . . Continue reading →
Colquhoun: The Gospel Is The Means
The gospel is the means that the Holy Spirit employs for communicating the grace of Christ to elect sinners in order to produce that change of their state and of their nature to which they have been chosen. It is by means . . . Continue reading →