Along the way in our little devotional Saturday Psalm series, we have said that Psalm 22 can rightly be called “the Psalm of Calvary,” given how the Lord Jesus adopts the words of King David for himself, crying out as he hung . . . Continue reading →
Saturday Psalm Series
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 2)
As we noted last time, this psalm was written some three thousand years ago and some one thousand years before the life of Christ. According to Matthew 27:46, Jesus quotes a portion of these words as he is suffering and dying on . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 22: The Psalm Of Calvary (Part 1)
Psalm 22 has been called “the Psalm of Calvary” or “the Good Friday Psalm,” for reasons which may be obvious and which I hope become more obvious by the end of this little devotional series. This psalm was written some three thousand . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 3—Training and Triumph
One scholar has commented about Psalm 3 that while Scripture most often speaks to us, the Psalter speaks for us.1 It gives us the words we need as we cry out to God. It shows us what godly prayers look like so . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 2—Historical and Exegetical Considerations
Suffering is unfortunately part of our experience in this age. Until Christ returns, not all things will be right. Perhaps most things will not be right. The stark reality of life under the rainbow is that we live with provisional blessing, always . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 3: Despite Appearances Part 1—Context In The Psalter
We can probably imagine how different the perspective might be between a photograph taken by an ant and a photograph taken from space. Imagine an ant who happened to have an ant-sized camera and happened to be riding on the back of . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 3—The Strategy
As we have worked through Psalm 2, the question running throughout is: Who rules the world? Are the nations going to overthrow God? For those in the know, namely those paying attention to the message of Psalm 2, the answer is clear. . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 2—The Solution
There used to be a gameshow called American Gladiators in which amateur athletes competed in ridiculous tests of strength against professional “gladiators.” The culminating showdown was always a duel atop raised towers where the leading contestant faced down a gladiator, each wielding . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 2: God Is King Over The Nations Part 1—The Situation
An old Scottish tune, Skye Boat Song, about Bonnie Prince Charlie begins, Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing. Onward, the sailors cry! Carry the lad that’s born to be King Over the sea to Skye. If you are not . . . Continue reading →
An Introduction To The Psalter On The Law And The Gospel: Psalms 1–2
I remember being in a record store when I was younger (if you are of the younger stripe, a record store is like if your favorite streaming service was a building where music was for sale on discs that you took home . . . Continue reading →
The LORD Is With His Pilgrims (Psalms 120–122): O Jerusalem!—Psalm 122
Have you ever been called home? It may be after a long vacation or a business trip. Or maybe you are going home to spend the holidays with family after moving to the other side of the country. There is just something about home. Continue reading →
The LORD Is With His Pilgrims (Psalms 120–122): Help From The Hills—Psalm 121
As we saw in Part 1, the Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120–134) were songs the Israelite pilgrims sang on their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Weeks, and Booths. These fifteen songs are in cycles of three, and Psalm 120 began the first cycle with the psalmist far from God, dwelling in the tents of warlike, deceitful pagans. Continue reading →
The LORD Is With His Pilgrims (Psalms 120–122): In My Distress—Psalm 120
“Are we there yet?” Who among us has not either heard or voiced these words on a long family road trip? The trees fly past in the slightly foggy windows, the road signs mark the distance to our destination, and a small voice pipes up from the backseat. Children are generally (and notoriously) impatient. Continue reading →
A Song Of Hope For Body And Soul: A Series On Psalm 16 (Part 2)
Last time, we looked at verses 1–4, where David seeks refuge in God. In this final part, we will see how David proclaims his trust in the Lord in the remainder of this psalm. David Puts His Trust in God (vv. 5–8) . . . Continue reading →
A Song Of Hope For Body And Soul: A Series On Psalm 16 (Part 1)
In one of the most famous scenes in the Gospel according to Luke, after the Lord Jesus Christ defeated death he appeared to some of his disciples on the road to Emmaus. The despondent followers of the crucified Messiah were walking along . . . Continue reading →
The Sword Of Judgment And The Shield Of Favor: A Series On Psalm 5 (Part 3)
Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 5 an expositional and pastoral survey in the previous two articles, we return one last time for a third installment, wherein we will consider further implications and applications from this marvelous psalm. With great indebtedness . . . Continue reading →
The Sword Of Judgment And The Shield Of Favor: A Series On Psalm 5 (Part 2)
In looking at Psalm 5, you might notice that there is a structure to David’s prayer. Each section begins with David directly addressing the Lord. Verse 1: “Give ear to my words, O Lord.” Verse 4: “For you are not a God . . . Continue reading →
The Sword Of Judgment And The Shield Of Favor: A Series On Psalm 5 (Part 1)
Many of the psalms are about justice or mercy. Some discuss both; others focus on one or the other. Psalm 5, though it has an element of mercy to it, is primarily a psalm calling for justice—God’s justice. Sometimes, psalms like this . . . Continue reading →
Temple Turnaround: God’s Directions for Doubters in Psalm 73 (Part 2)
In part one of Asaph’s temple turnaround in Psalm 73, we saw that Asaph had not always held to the truth that “God is good to Israel” (v. 1). First, we observed that even the faithful may have doubts (a crisis of . . . Continue reading →
Temple Turnaround: God’s Directions for Doubters in Psalm 73 (Part 1)
Talking about doubts can seem almost taboo. How many friends have expressed their doubts about faith to you? How many sermons have you heard about doubts? What would your church friends or pastor think if you expressed your doubts to them? Are . . . Continue reading →