It is universally known that every time we gaze upon a rainbow in the sky, placarded before our eyes is the great original set by our creator, generally received in seven colors. To be sure, scientists today use spectrometers to discern many colors in the rainbow. For centuries, however, as believed by Isaac Newton himself, what is most observed to the naked eye is seven colors.
Since the number seven retains vast theological significance as indicating perfection and authenticity, it shouldn’t be a surprise that God would, in his providence, build into his creation an important ordering of these things to show his authentic imprint when our eyes gaze upon the rainbow.
The more important point is the theological one. God’s rainbow and LGBTQ one have radically different meanings. Each offers a way of promised freedom while one supports sin, the other–mercy. Read More»
Chris Gordon | “Should Christians Redeem the Rainbow?” | April 30, 3021
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I’m still not convinced the “God in his providence built into creation” a seven-color rainbow, unless you allow that this providential truth was entirely hidden from the authors of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament, both of whose languages do not possess these seven colors. It wasn’t until Isaac Newton that this categorization came into prominence, and it is not self-evident that it is the only legitimate way to divide up the color spectrum. Sure, seven is a Biblical number, but so are four and twelve. There are no Biblical color schemes based on a seven-color pattern; the tabernacle does not utilize any such color scheme, so it seems entirely speculative to build significance into Newton’s claim. Indeed, the proposed color breakdown forms a very uneven distribution of the wavelength spectrum, with red covering a far wider range than say yellow. And many scientists have questioned the special status accorded to indigo, which is really just deep blue by another name.