Perkins: The Remedy For Our Need Is To Be Clothed With Christ

For the King of heaven has long invited us to the marriage of His Son. We have yielded ourselves to be His guests. And there is a time when the King will take a survey of all His guests, whether they have the wedding garment, which is Christ Himself. And they which are not clad with this robe shall be cast into utter darkness. We are as naked infants exposed to death (Ezek. 16:4). The merits and obedience of Christ is as swaddling clothes and swaddling bands….[T]here is a great temptation arising upon the consideration of our own indignity. For when our sins come to our remembrance, they drive us from the presence of God and make us that we dare not pray. Now the remedy is this. We must come clothed with Christ into the presence of God. We may not come in our names, but we must come in His name and present the merit of Christ unto the Father.

William Perkins (1558–1602) | Commentary on Galatians, in Works, 2:236 | on Matthew 22:1–14 (HT: Inwoo Lee)


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  • Inwoo Lee
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    Inwoo Lee (BA, UCSD) earned his MA (Historical Theology) in 2020 from Westminster Seminary California and is author of “Righteous Before God: William Perkins’ Doctrine of Justification in Elizabethan England” (MA Thesis, Westminster Seminary California, 2020). He lives in the Great Seoul area, in South Korea with his wife Holly.

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