Perkins: Justification Is The Foundation Of The House

A man breaks down the windows of his house. The house stands. He breaks down the roof or the walls. The house yet stands, though deformed. He pulls up the foundation— the house itself falls and ceases to be a house. Now religion, which we profess, is like a house or building; and some points thereof are like windows, doors, walls, roofs, and some are the very foundation.

William Perkins (1558–1602), An Exposition of the Creed, Works, 5:379 (HT: Inwoo Lee).


    Post authored by:

  • Inwoo Lee
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    Inwoo Lee (BA, UCSD) earned his MA (Historical Theology) in 2020 from Westminster Seminary California and is author of “Righteous Before God: William Perkins’ Doctrine of Justification in Elizabethan England” (MA Thesis, Westminster Seminary California, 2020). He lives in the Great Seoul area, in South Korea with his wife Holly.

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