God has seen fit to reveal Himself to man in two books—the Bible, the book of special revelation, and nature and history, the book of general revelation. Now it is the duty of the organized Church to teach men the content of . . . Continue reading →
R. B. Kuiper
Heidelminicast: R. B. Kuiper Says That Christians Study Nature In School And Grace In Church
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: Pentecost Ended Christian Nationalism
Although Pentecost was not the birthday of the Christian church, it does mark a most significant turning point in the history of the church. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church implemented the transition from nationalism to universalism. R. B. . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: The Covenant Of Grace Includes Believers And Their Children
God has promised to be the God, not only of those who believe, but also of their seed, and that, hence, He is wont as a general rule to bestow saving grace on the children of believers. R. B. Kuiper | God . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: Pentecost Reversed Babel
Both at Babel and at Jerusalem God supernaturally caused men to speak in various tongues. But the consequences differed radically. At Babel there was confusion and division. Men were scattered abroad on all the face of the earth. That was the beginning . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: Christ Met The Condition Of The Covenant Of Works
Both at Babel and at Jerusalem God supernaturally caused men to speak in various tongues. But the consequences differed radically. At Babel there was confusion and division. Men were scattered abroad on all the face of the earth. That was the beginning . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: The Covenant Through The Family And Beyond
While election stresses the fact that God chose one of twin brothers, Jacob, not Esau (Rom 9:10-12), the doctrine of the covenant stresses the truth that in imparting saving grace to men, God, although not bound by family ties, graciously takes them . . . Continue reading →
Kuiper: The New Administration Of The Covenant Of Grace Is Not Nationalistic
The old dispensation and the new are customarily distinguished as the dispensation of nationalism and that of universalism. Continue reading →