New Preface This essay originally appeared in print in 2001 and later online, on the Heidelblog. When the essay first appeared the controversy over Evangelicals and Catholics Together was still relatively fresh. Reformed leaders (e.g., Mike Horton, R. C. Sproul, James M. . . . Continue reading →
alliance of confessing evangelicals
Against Erosion Of The Doctrine Of Justification
Solus Christus: The Erosion of Christ-Centered Faith As evangelical faith becomes secularized, its interests have been blurred with those of the culture. The result is a loss of absolute values, permissive individualism, and a substitution of wholeness for holiness, recovery for repentance, . . . Continue reading →
The Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals In 1998: We Still Disagree With Rome
The first of these two documents, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” was a call to the Christian world to form a united front against the destructive influences of secular culture in such areas as ethics, statism, and the relativization of truth. In the . . . Continue reading →