Many struggle to see Moses’ answer in Psalm 90. Often, the solution of this psalm is presented rather moralistically, as if the imperative of verse 12 is the singular answer: “So teach us to number our days so that we gain a heart of wisdom.” Moses, however, pleads for something else first. Is there a way to escape the awful predicament into which we find ourselves? For “who knows the power of his anger (see vs. 11)?”
Following the terrifying question, comes a heartfelt plea to the Lord: “Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil (Ps 90:14). A beautiful covenantal word is chosen by Moses. Give us, O Lord, your ‘chesed’“—your merciful, faithful, loving, kind, gracious love that we might be happy in the days of our affliction.Yes, we can be happy and live with true comfort in this life, even in the face of death. Moses appeals to the good news God announced from the beginning and demonstrated after the breaking of the covenant on Sinai. God promised a mediator, an intercessor, someone who could come into our world of sorrow and bear for us the punishment our sins deserve. There would be one who, in our place, and for us, know the power of his anger so that we never would. God promised to send his son Jesus, out of his great love with which he loved us, to come and stand in Israel’s place and in ours. Jesus made the journey through the wilderness, enduring the wrath of God, making a sacrifice for our sins, and opened up the promise land to us. Read More»
Chris Gordon | “Psalm 90 & The Best Resolution for 2023” | January 6, 2023
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