Paramount Church in Jacksonville, FL is hosting Dr Robert Gagnon October 23–24, 2015 for the conference “Developing A Gospel Identity In A Sexual Identity World” Dr Gagnon is a leading scholar on the biblical teaching on homosexuality. Pastor Fonville writes: There is a great deal of confusion today in the church about whether Jesus and biblical authors opposed all forms of homosexual practice or only promiscuous or exploitative forms. Many in the church today argue that nothing in the Bible addresses loving same-sex unions and that the idea of homosexual orientation is a completely modern concept unknown to persons in the ancient world. We will look at the biblical evidence in its historical context, especially the creation texts and the witness of Jesus and Paul, to show the problems with such thinking. We will also examine whether the Bible’s stance on slavery, women’s roles, divorce, and Gentile inclusion on the one hand or adult-consensual incest and polyamory on the other hand are the best analogies to the issue of homosexual practice. Finally, we will address appropriate pastoral responses to persons in the church with same-sex attractions, the impact and threat of “gay marriage” to persons of faith, and the secular case for a male-female foundation for marriage.
This conference includes five sessions with Dr. Gagnon. There will be two sessions Friday night, and three on Saturday morning. Each session is followed by Q&A time where you will be able to ask Dr. Gagnon your questions. There will also be a conference bookstore.
Few things trouble the Christians as consistently as eschatology. If you have been led to think that the biblical teaching about “end times” and Christ’s return is complicated and for experts, this conference is for you. Scripture’s teaching on end times and Jesus’ return is not confusing and it is encouraging. On November 7, 2015 Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, CA is holding a free conference on “Understanding the End Times” featuring Dr Kim Riddlebarger, Dr Dennis Johnson, and Rev Mike Brown. Kim is the author of two outstanding books on eschatology. Dennis has written one of the best commentaries on the Revelation and Mike came to the Reformed confession out of the eschatological fervor of the Calvary Chapel movement. If you expect to attend the conference you need to register because seating is limited to about 200.
On Sunday October 25, 2015 I am preaching twice at Trinity Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Novato, CA (Marin County). Both messages concern the Reformation conviction sola Scriptura. I’m preaching in the morning service (11:00 AM) from Hebrews 1 and n the evening on “Scripture Alone” (Deut 29:29) for the annual area Reformation Service at 5:00 PM. Trinity OPC is located at 495 San Marin Drive (at Simmons Lane) Novato, CA 94945.
I’ll bet the communion wine is *really* good up there, Dr.!
It ain’t no Mad Dog 20/20.