
Books And Booklets


A Historical, Theological, Pastoral Commentary On The Heidelberg Catechism (Lexham Press/Logos, forthcoming)


Editor and contributor with Carl R. Trueman, Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment (Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1999).

Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant: The Double Benefit of Christ. Rutherford Studies in Historical Theology, ed. David F. Wright (Edinburgh: Rutherford House, 2005). Reprinted 2008 by Reformation Heritage Books in the Historical-Theological Studies series.

Editor and contributor, Covenant, Justification and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2006). (Apple Books edition)

Baptism, Election, and the Covenant of Grace  (Grand Rapids: Reformed Fellowship, 2007).

Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008).

Editor, William Ames, A Sketch of the Christian’s Catechism, trans. Todd M. Rester, Classic Reformed Theology Vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Press, 2008).

Editor and contributor, Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, trans. Lyle Bierma, Classic Reformed Theology Vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010).

Co-editor (with Joel Kim) and contributor, Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey (Escondido: Westminster Seminary California, 2010). (Apple Books version)

Editor, Johannes Cocceius, Doctrine of The Covenant and Testament of God, trans. Casey Carmichael, Classic Reformed Theology Vol. 3 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2016).

Matthew Bingham, Chris Caughey, Crawford Gribben, R. Scott Clark, and Darryl G. Hart, On Being Reformed: Debates Over A Trans-Atlantic Identity (London: Palgrave-Pivot, 2018).

Co-editor (with Casey Carmichael), J. H. Heidegger, A Concise Marrow of Christian Theology, trans. Casey Carmichael, Classic Reformed Theology vol. 4 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2019).

Menemukan Kembali Pengakuan Iman Reformed: Theologi, Kesalehan, dan Praktik Kita, trans. Bhakti Ivan Setyawan (Surabaya, Indonesia: Penerbit Momentum, 2020).

Co-editor (with Casey Carmichael), Robert Rollock, Commentary on Ephesians, trans. Casey Carmichael, Classic Reformed Theology Series vol. 5 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2021).

Editor, Heirs of the Promise: Reforming Theology, Piety, and Practice (Escondido: Heidelberg Reformation Association, 2022).

Co-editor (with Casey Carmichael), Justification By Faith Alone: Selected Writings From Theodore Beza (1519–1605), Amandus Polanus (1561–1610), and Francis Turretin (1623–87), trans. Casey Carmichael, Classic Reformed Theology Series vol. 6 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2023).


—Academic and Semi-popular

Why You Should Change Your Mind About Reformed Scholasticism” in Credo Magazine volume 14.1 (April 12, 2023)

Why I changed my mind about Thomas Aquinas: The Classical Reformed Approach to Thomas Aquinas” in Credo Magazine volume 13.2 (June 24, 2022).

“Old Side Presbyterians and the Ordinary Means” Nicotine Theological Journal volume 16.2 (Spring 2022), 5–6.

God the Son and the Covenant of Grace: Caspar Olevianus On Eternal Generation, and the Substance of the Covenant of Grace,” in Credo Magazine volume 10.4 (November 29, 2020).

“Prefácio” in Johannes Wollebius, Compêndio de Teologia Cristã, trans. Ewerton B. Tokashiki (Eusebio, CE: Peregrino, 2020).

“Seriously and Promiscuously: The Synod of Dort on the Free Offer of the Gospel” in Joel R. Beeke and Martin I. Klauber, ed. The Synod of Dort: Historical, Theological, and Experiential Perspectives (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2020), 89–104.

Conversion,” in the Concise Theology Series, ed. Fred G. Zaspel (The Gospel Coalition, 2020).

Historical Theology,” in the Concise Theology Series, ed. Fred G. Zaspel (The Gospel Coalition, 2020).

The Synod of Dort: Keeping Venom From the Lips,” in Ordained Servant 28 (October, 2019), 9–29.

“A House of Cards? A Response to Bingham, Cribben, and Caughey,” in Matthew Bingham, Chris Caughey, R. Scott Clark, Crawford Gribben, and D. G. Hart, On Being Reformed: Debates Over a Theological Identity (London: Palgrave-Pivot, 2018), 69–89.

“‘Subtle Sacramentarian’ or Son? John Calvin’s Relationship to Martin Luther” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21.4 (2018): 35–60.

“Law and Gospel in Early Reformed Orthodoxy: Hermeneutical Conservatism in Olevianus’ Commentary on Romans,” in Jordan J. Ballor, David S. Sytsma and Jason Zuidema editors, Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition (Leiden: Brill, 2013).

“Christ and Covenant: Federal Theology in Orthodoxy,” in Herman Selderhuis, ed., Companion to Reformed Orthodoxy (Leiden: Brill, 2013).

“Introduktion” in Heidelberg-katekismen af Zacharias Ursinus of Caspar Olevianus, ed. and trans. Silas Riisager Dahl (Denmark: Forlaget Latria, 2013).

“‘Magic and Noise:’ Reformed Christianity in Sister’s America,” in eds. R. Scott Clark and Joel E. Kim Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey (Escondido: Westminster Seminary California, 2010), 74–91. (Apple Books version)

“Calvin’s Principle of Worship,” in ed. David Hall, Tributes to John Calvin: A Celebration of his Quincentenary (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2010), 247–69.

“The Reception of Paul in Heidelberg: The Pauline Commentaries of Caspar Olevianus” in ed. R. Ward Holder, A Companion to Paul in the Reformation (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 297–318.

“The Atonement” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception,” (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009).

“Calvin as Negative Boundary Marker in American Lutheran Self-Identity 1871–1934” in Johan de Niet, Herman Paul, and Bart Wallet, ed., Sober, Strict, and Scriptural: Collective Memories of John Calvin, 1800–2000 (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 245–66.

“Olevianus and the Old Perspective on Paul: A Preliminary Report,” The Confessional Presbyterian 4 (2008): 15–26.

“Election and Predestination: Sovereign Expressions of God,” in David Hall and Peter Lillback, ed. A Theological Guide to Calvin’s Institutes: Essays and Analysis (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008), 90–122

“Whosever Will Be Saved: Emerging Church? Meet Christian Dogma,” in Gary L. W. Johnson and Ronald N. Gleason eds., Reforming or Conforming: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church (Wheaton: Crossway, 2008), 112–28.

Iustitia Imputata Christi: Alien or Proper to Luther’s Doctrine of Justification”? Concordia Theological Quarterly 70 (2006): 269–310.

“Raiders of the Lost Art: Recovering the Reformed Confession” Semper Reformanda 16.1 (2007): 25–42.

“The Benefits of Christ: Double Justification in Protestant Theology Before the Westminster Assembly,” Anthony T. Selvaggio, ed., The Faith Once Delivered: Celebrating the Legacy of Reformed Systematic Theology and the Westminster Assembly (Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne Spear). (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2007), 107–34.

“How We Got Here: A Brief History of the Current Controversy,” in R. Scott Clark, ed. Covenant, Justification and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2006), 3–24.

[with David VanDrunen] “The Covenant Before the Covenants,”in R. Scott Clark, ed. Covenant, Justification and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2006), 167–196.

“Do This and Live: The Active Obedience of Christ,” in R. Scott Clark, ed. Covenant, Justification and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2006), 229–65.

“Letter and Spirit: Law and Gospel in Reformed Preaching,” in R. Scott Clark, ed. Covenant, Justification and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2006), 331–63.

Response to Thomas J. Davis, “Calvin, Beza, and the Trajectory of Signification,” in David Foxgrover, ed., Calvin, Beza and Later Calvinism. Papers Presented at the 15th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society, April 7–9, 2006 (Grand Rapids: Calvin Studies Society, 2006): 161–64.

“Baptism and the Benefits of Christ: The Double Mode of Communion in the Covenant of Grace,” The Confessional Presbyterian Journal 2 (2006): 3–19.

“Reconstructionism,” in the New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, eds Campbell Campbell-Jack, Gavin J. McGrath (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2006).

“Janus, the Well-Meant Offer of the Gospel and Westminster Theology,” in David VanDrunen, ed., The Pattern of Sound Doctrine: A Festschrift for Robert B. Strimple (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2004), 149–80.

[with Dr. Joel Beeke], “Ursinus, Oxford and the Westminster Divines,” The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century: Essays in Remembrance of the 350th Anniversary of the Publication of the Westminster Confession of Faith, 3 vol. ed. Ligon Duncan (Ross-Shire, Scotland: Mentor, 2003), 2.1–32.

“The Catholic-Calvinist Trinitarianism of Caspar Olevian,” Westminster Theological Journal 61 (1999): 15–39.

“The Authority of Reason in the Later Reformation: Scholasticism in Caspar Olevian and Antoine de La Faye,” Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment, ed., Carl Trueman and R. Scott Clark (Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1999), 111–26.

Calvin and the Lex Naturalis,” Stulos Theological Journal 6 (1998): 1–22.

“Olevianus, Caspar” in New Dictionary of Theology (Nottingham, UK: Inter-Varsity Press, 2016).

“Wollebius, Johannes” in New Dictionary of Theology (Nottingham, UK: Inter-Varsity Press, 2016).

—Select Popular Essays

Reformed Christians and Lent,” First Things March 31, 2023

“Salvation,” Tabletalk 47.2 (February 2023), 23–24.

“Covenant Theology Is Not Replacement Theology,” Heirs of the Promise: Reforming Theology, Piety, and Practice (Escondido: Heidelberg Reformation Association, 2022), 1–4.

“Presbyterians and Anglicans Together,” Nicotine Theological Journal 15.1 (Winter, 2022), 2–4.

“Classical Christian Catechesis,” in Faithful and Fruitful: Essays for Elders and Deacons, ed. William Boekestein and Steven Swets (Grand Rapids: Reformed Fellowship Inc., 2019), 107–19.

“Encouraging Lay Witnessing” in Faithful and Fruitful: Essays for Elders and Deacons, ed. William Boekestein and Steven Swets (Grand Rapids: Reformed Fellowship Inc., 2019), 247–61.

“A Plea for a New Confession,” in Modern  Reformation 26.3 (2017).

“Luther on the Freedom and Bondage of the Will,” in The Reformation Then and Now: 25 Years of Modern Reformation Articles Celebrating 500 Years of the Reformation, ed. Eric Landry and Michael S. Horton (Peabody, MA: Hendrikson Publishers, 2017), 39–42.

“Calvin Versus the Calvinists: A Bibliographic Essay,” in The Reformation Then and Now: 25 Years of Modern Reformation Articles Celebrating 500 Years of the Reformation, ed. Eric Landry and Michael S. Horton (Peabody, MA: Hendrikson Publishers, 2017), 98–100.

“Reformed Piety and Practice,” Tabletalk (May, 2017).

Always Abusing Semper Reformanda,” Tabletalk (November, 2014)

The Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy,” Tabletalk (July  2014).

Worship Matters” in APC News, 160 (July/August 2013), 5–9.

Drawing the Line: Why Doctrine Matters,” Tabletalk (July 2012)

Divorcing Doctrine From Scripture” Tabletalk (February 2011)

“Pilgrims and Their Hosts” in Tabletalk (February, 2010).

“The Many Faces of Calvin. Calvin Versus the Calvinists: A Bibliographic Essay,” Modern Reformation 18.7 (2009): 16.

“The Defense Against the Dark Arts,” in ed. Martin Downes, Risking The Truth: Handling Error in the Church (Ross-Shire, UK: Christian Focus, 2009), 71–80.

“Jonestown” in Nicotine Theological Journal 12.4 (2008): 5–6.

“The Canons of Dordt” in Tabletalk (April, 2008), 18–21.

“Introduction,” in Geerhardus Vos, Grace and Glory: Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary (Vestavia Hills, Al: Solid Ground Christian Books, 2007).

“Remembering Meredith Kline,” Nicotine Theological Journal 11.2 (April 2007): 1–3.

“Why (Some) Reformed People are Such Jerks,” Nicotine Theological Journal 11.1 (January 2007): 4–6

“Why Pastors Need a Seminary Education,” EVANGELIUM 5.3 (October, 2007): 6–9

“What the Bible is All About,” Modern Reformation, 16 (March/April 2007): 20–24.

“Baptism, Covenant, and Election (Part 1),” The Outlook 57 (February 2007): 25–28.

“Baptism, Covenant, and Election (Part 2),” The Outlook 57 (March 2007): 20–23 .

“Baptism, Covenant, and Election (Part 3),” The Outlook 57 (April 2007): 21–25.

“The History of Covenant Theology,” Tabletalk (October, 2006), 8–11.

“A Perfect Church? Not in This Life,” EVANGELIUM 4 (March/April, 2006).

“Ventilator Blues” in Faculty Reflections (2006).

“Of Nice and Men,” Nicotine Theological Journal 9.4 (October, 2005): 6–8.

“For God So Loved the World,” Tabletalk (November, 2004), 12–15.

“Whose Obedience? Or Elementary My Dear Christian,” Modern Reformation (July/August 2004): 32–33.

“Interview,” Semper Reformanda 13 (2004): 38–45.

When the Good News Becomes Bad,” EVANGELIUM 2.2 (2004).

“George Whitefield,” Tabletalk (October, 2003).

“The Indispensability of the Trinity,” [with Mark Talbot] Modern Reformation(September/October, 2003).

“Why We Memorize the Catechism,” Presbyterian Banner (August, 2003).

“Thoughts on Bible Translations,” Christian Renewal (February 25, 2002).

“Concupiscence: Sin and the Mother of Sin,” Modern Reformation (November/December 2001).

“Evangelicals and Catholics Together: A Post-Mortem,” Christian Renewal (October 29, 2001).

“Substance and Accidents,” Christian Renewal (April 30, 2001).

“Grace and Peace to Aliens and Strangers,” Modern Reformation (January/February 2000).

“The Splendour of the Three-in-One God: The Necessity and Mystery of the Trinity,” Modern Reformation(September/October 1999).

“The Evangelical Fall from the Means of Grace” in The Compromised Church, ed. John Armstrong (Wheaton: Crossway, 1998), 133–47.

“Regensburg and Regensburg II” in Modern Reformation (September/October, 1998).

“Ridley, Latimer, and Cranmer: The Oxford Martyrs,” Reformation and Revival: A Quarterly Journal for Church Leadership: The Church, 7 (1998): 167–79.

The Importance of Being More Than Earnest,” Modern Reformation (November, 1996).

“The Belgic Confession — Article 14: Of the Creation and Fall,” Christian Observer 173.23 (December 1, 1995): 23.

“The Belgic Confession — Article 15: Sin,” Christian Observer 173.24 (December, 1, 1995)

Jesus’ Spring House Cleaning,” Kerux 4 (1989): 22–32.


Willem Van’t Spijker, ed. The Church’s Book of Comfort, trans. Gerrit Bilkes (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books), 2009 in Modern Reformation Jan./Feb. 2010 Vol: 19.1

Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation: Volume 1, 1523–1552, ed. James T. Dennison in Modern Reformation March/April 2009 Vol: 18.2

Charles E. Hill, From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp: Identifying Irenaeus’ Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of ad Diognetum. vol. 186, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) in The Confessional Presbyterian 5 (2009): 283–86.

Nicholas H. Gootjes, The Belgic Confession: Its History and Sources (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2009). Religious Studies Review 35.4 (2009): 295.

D. G. Hart, A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006). Modern Reformation, March/April vol. 16 (2007).

Cornelis P. Venema, Getting the Gospel Right: Assessing the Reformation and the New Perspectives on Paul (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2006). Modern Reformation, January/February vol. 16 (2007).

Trevor A. Hart, ed., The Dictionary of Historical Theology (Carlisle UK and Grand Rapids: Paternoster and Eerdmans, 2000). Modern Reformation, January/February, 2003.

Roger Olson, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1999). Modern Reformation, July/August 2001.

Peter Byrne and Leslie Houlden ed. Companion Encyclopedia of Theology (London and New York: Routledge, 1995). Ashland Theological Journal (1997): 161–162.

W. S. Johnson and J. H. Leith, ed. Reformed Reader. Vol.1: Classical Beginnings 1519–1799 (Louisville:WJKP, 1993). Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 39 (1996): 322–323.

“Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” (Reformed Herald, 1994).

Jill Raitt, The Colloquy of Montbéliard (Oxford, 1993). Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 39 (1996): 141–42.

Trent C. Butler, ed., The Holman Bible Dictionary (Nashville, 1991). Kerux 8 (1993).

Review of Gerard Van Groningen, Messianic Revelation in the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, 1990). Kerux 7 (1992): 43–55.

Bradley J. Longfield, The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists and Moderates, (Oxford, 1991). Reformed Herald, 1993.

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