—Academic Goals:
- By the end of the semester the student shall be able read Latin at an introductory level, i.e., shall recognize and analyze elementary vocabulary and forms and shall be able to recognize, analyze, and translate elementary Latin sentences.
—Pastoral Goals:
- The student “exhibits growing integrity, teachability/humility, perseverance, self-discipline” (Source: WSC Student Learning Outcomes). Progress will be measured by weekly quizzes, a mid-term, and a final exam, as well as weekly reviews.
- Students shall be prepared to translate, in class, sentences from the weekly assignment. Attendance to class is essential.
Latin II covers the second 13 chapters of Collins (chapters 14–27)
Required Reading/Texts
- John C. Collins, A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press, 1985).
- Course Structure
This is a self-study course. Each week the student will memorize the vocabulary and forms and complete the Latin to English exercises for the chapter and take the quiz etc as in Latin I.
Recommended Texts
- Biblia Sacra Vulgata
- Leo F. Stelten, A Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin (Peabody, MA: Hendricksen, 1995).
- Richard A. Muller, A Dictionary of Theological Latin and Greek (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996)
Additional Bibliography
- Dorothy Sayers, Lost Tools of Learning.
- Brittain, F. Latin in Church. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1934.
- Harrington, K. P. Mediaeval Latin. Second Edition. ed. Joseph Pucci. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
- Mantello, F. A. C. and A. G. Rigg, eds. Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographic Guide. Washington, DC: Catholic University Press, 1996.
- Leal, Ioanes, ed. Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Ieus Christi, Iuxta editionem Sixto-Clementinam anni 1592. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1960.
- Weber, Robert. ed. Biblia Sacra Iuxta Vulgatam Versionem. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1969.
- Stelten, Leo F. Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin
- Muller, Richard. F., A Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms
- Harden, J. M., A Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament
- Bretzke, James T. Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary
- Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictonary
- Smalley, Beryl, The Study of The Bible in the Middle Ages