Happy New Year from the HRA! This is the seventeenth year of the Heidelblog, and since 2012 the Heidelblog has had more than 11.5 million views and 3.5 million visitors. Thank you to our loyal readers and supporters. If you are just discovering us, welcome!
2024 On The Heidelblog
The top posts of 2024 tell us something about what was on the minds of our readers. The most popular post this year was actually first posted a decade ago, but this year more people found it than ever before: The Ten Points of Marxism. This post is a quotation from the Communist Manifesto and was posted purely for informational purposes, so that HB readers would be aware of the aims of communism and some of the marks, no pun intended, of the movement.
A second popular older post this year was our resource page How to find a Confession Presbyterian or Reformed Congregation. The popularity of this page is very encouraging. It means that people are looking for confessional Reformed congregations, which is one of the two major goals of the Heidelberg Reformation Association: 1) to recover the Reformed Confession; 2) to help others discover it.
Among the top posts for the year is our quotation of Carl Trueman’s 2018 essay defining “Big Eva” and and my 2022 essay on One Major Difference Between the Reformed and the Evangelicals meditating on the significance of the movement for the Reformed. The popularity of these essays suggests that the way confessional Reformed Christians relate to the Young, Restless, and Reformed movement remains a matter of intense interest.
There are other indicators on the HB that Reformed Christians (and those becoming Reformed) struggle with how to relate to the broader evangelical theology, piety, and practice. Another popular post this year first appeared ten years ago: Reformed Basics On Dichotomy And Trichotomy. It is a quotation from the late Reformed theologian Louis Berkhof (1873–1957) sketching the differences between the widely held view that humans are composed of body, soul, and spirit and the Reformed doctrine that we are body and soul.
The confessional Reformed in North America make up a relatively small band (we might be about 600,000 souls) in the midst of a sea of something approaching 60 million evangelicals. Most of those 60 million hold some kind of Baptistic theology with all its assumptions. Thousands of those who are exploring Reformed theology, in distinction from Baptist theology were reading our 2012 essay on Baptism and Circumcision.
The Ten Most Popular Posts Published in 2024
- Zoe Miller, Presbyterians And Prayer Book Spirituality: From What Book Do We Pray?
- R. Scott Clark, Calvin As Exegetical Moderate
- R. Scott Clark, Eric Metaxas Is Wrong
- David Hall, No Longer Married To Coach Satan: Terry Saban As A Role Model For Pastor’s Wives
- Heidelblog, Resources On Christian Nationalism
- R. Scott Clark, Baptists, The Definition Of Reformed, And Identity Politics (Part 1)
- R. Scott Clark, What The Confessional Reformed Churches Have Said About Doug Wilson
- Shane Lems, Review: The Case for Christian Nationalism By Stephen Wolfe
- Joshua Waulk, Public Bickering And The Silent Suffering: A Response To John MacArthur
- R. Scott Clark, The Gospel According to John (MacArthur)
Other Popular Posts & Pages in 2024
- The Heidelcast
- R. Scott Clark, Covenant Theology Is Not Replacement Theology
- The Reformed Confessions
- R. Scott Clark, Any Text Without A Context is Pretext for a Prooftext (Updated)
- R. Scott Clark, It Can Be Difficult But We Need To Open Our Eyes And Pay Attention To The Facts
- R. Scott Clark, What The Dying Of The PCUSA Means
- R. Scott Clark, 1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession: Narrowing The Lens On Particular Baptist History
- Heidelblog, Resources On The Federal Vision Theology
- R. Scott Clark, Law, Gospel, And The Three Uses of the Law
- Heidelcast Series: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children
Heidelcast News
The Heidelcast remains one of the most popular Reformed podcasts and is among the .5% of podcasts worldwide. Our number of subscribers and listeners continues to grow. Thank you for listening and for letting others know about the Heidelcast. Thanks to Christine Philbrick for her gift to the Heidelcast of a cowbell tree ornament and her wish, “Long may the cowbell ring!”
Since 2009 we have recorded 940 episodes. This year alone we produced and published 240 episodes. Early in 2025 we will cross the 1,000 episode mark. Thank you listener, and thanks to Brian the Producer for his continuing outstanding work. This year we finished the series on Romans: Sin, Salvation, and Service. We next produced a series on continuing revelation: Feathers and All: The Scriptures Are Enough and began our current series: The Comfort of the Covenant (on Caspar Olevianus, Firm Foundation). Have an idea for our next series? Let us know in the comments. We have recorded both the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession. We have begun recording the Canons of Dort. We hope to finish this project during the summer of 2025.
The top ten Heidelcast episodes for 2024 were:
- Heidelcast For April 7, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (8)
- Heidelminicast: Sub-Christian Nationalism (1)
- Heidelminicast Q&A: Is Sanctification Synergistic?
- Heidelcast: Feathers And All: The Scriptures Are Enough (3)
- Heidelcast For September 1, 2024: The Comfort of the Covenant (2)—Why Does Covenant Theology Matter?
- Heidelcast For March 24, 2024: Reformed Covenant Theology With Dr Harrison Perkins
- Heidelcast For Feb 18, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (2)
- Heidelcast For August 4, 2024: Best of: Why We Can’t “Move On” From the Federal Vision (Pt 1)
- Heidelcast For August 25, 2024: The Comfort of the Covenant (1)—Who Was Caspar Olevianus?
- Heidelcast For Feb 11, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (1)
HRA News
The twin goals of the HRA are to help the Reformed churches recover their theology, piety, and practice and to help others discover it and we are doing it. In 2024 the HRA released the Heidelapp and it has been a big success. It is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play. It is a great way to access all the Heidelcontent in one place. This year we were blessed with a new board member, the Rev Dr. Harrison Perkins. We are grateful for his work as a writer and for his contribution to the leadership of the HRA.
The top 10 countries for HB readers were:
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Australia
- Brazil
- South Africa
- Philippines
- New Zealand
- Germany
- India
These are only the ten countries with the most visitors to the HB. Readers from hundreds of nations visited the HB and listened to the Heidelcast in 2024. We published Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish translations of HB articles.
Thanks for the prayers and labors of our HRA board members:
- Chairman, Dan Borvan
- Vice-Chairman, Harrison Perkins
- Treasurer, Brad Isbell
- Secretary, Scott McDermand
- Member, Chris Gordon
If all goes well, the Heidelshop will be available in January so you can order Heidelmerch. This summer we hope to publish our first book, Discovering the Reformed Confession. Stay tuned to the Heidelblog and Heidelcast for further details.
To those who prayed for and donated to the HRA, thank you. Our readership and listenership grew considerably this year as did the number of subscribers to the Heidelblog. For those subscribing via the HB, we produce a daily newsletter with links to that day’s content. Those subscribing via WordPress continue to receive an email with each post and every new post or podcast is available via the Heidelapp.
Help Us Help You!
In 2024 we took another step toward financial stability, but we still need you to prayerfully to consider helping us in 2025. If you benefit from the work of the HRA, won’t you help us? Click on the PayPal donate button or send a check to:
Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
The HRA is a 501(c)3 organization. This means that your gifts are tax deductible.
Thank you.
- Subscribe To The Heidelblog!
- Download the HeidelApp on Apple App Store or Google Play
- The Heidelblog Resource Page
- Heidelmedia Resources
- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008)
- Why I Am A Christian
- What Must A Christian Believe?
- Heidelblog Contributors
- Support Heidelmedia: use the donate button or send a check to
Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
The HRA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization